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  • the.curlfriend

Summer Heat: Tips for Dry Hair

Updated: Jan 25, 2022

This is my first summer with long curly hair! And, my ends are FRIED.

I don’t use heat or diffuse my hair AND I’m on my one year no heat journey because I straightened my hair too much last year.

So, my ends are just dry from humidity, the sun, and lack of moisture. *Cries*


If your hair is dry it doesn't necessarily mean you have high porosity hair.

(I mean you could have high porosity hair but) it could be because of your routine or it could be that your natural oils aren't making its way toward the end of your hair strand (which is my problem right now).

So, how do you fix it?

First, you can peep my summer tips post on my IG account!

Curls can be damaged by the sun and humidity can SUCK the life out of curls, and really hair in general. For my curlies with high porosity hair, summer may be a struggle because your hair already suffers from being dry.

Overall, moisturizing hair masks, deep conditioners, leave-in conditioners, and DIYs can assist with the dryness and make your curls love you again.

There are products to help with sun damage too, to protect your scalp and hair from sunburn!

Sun protectant DIYs can prevent damage and can be more sustainable (and you know me, I'm all about reducing plastic consumption)!

Second, PROTECT your ends with protective styles.

You want to make sure that your ends are protected.

This is what I discovered a few weeks ago when I noticed broken pieces of hair on the floor…EVERYWHERE. Thank the universe for the Hawaiian Ginger leave-in conditioner by Mielle Organics.

As I told you all in my Hair Habits YouTube video and Mini-Series, I don’t deep condition or use hair masks, etc. but now, with this summer heat... BOY HAS THAT CHANGED!

Protecting your ends by using protective hairstyles and moisturizing products can soothe dry ends and assist in hair growth (because it can prevent breakage)!

Lastly, stay away from styles that pull on hair!

I realized that using bobby pins for my buns were making my ends even more fragile, pulling out my hair.

So, if you do a bun or updo make sure you're using moisturizing products and tuck in your ends without using bobby pins or something that can pull on the hair and instead, use something soft to secure your ends in the bun.

For example, I like to use a soft cotton headband (because my hair is super thick) after a wash day and using a leave-in while rolling my hair into a bun.

This ensures that my ends are tucked in, are being moisturized by the leave-in, and are being protected from the sun!

Also, you can peep these tips in video form by checking out my video on my YouTube channel!


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